Is Plurk Just Another Microblogging Site?

Have you ever heard what Plurk is? Plurk is “your life on the line”, and even though it is micro-blogging site like Twitter, Plurk is more than just a clone. Plurk lets you share the happenings of your life, and it also allows you to follow other people’s life events.

Marketing StrategyPlurk is just another free micro-blogging and social networking website that allows its members to post updates known as “plurks” on their profile through brief texts or links, which is made up of up to 140 characters in length.

It is very easy to join Plurk. Simply sign up and create your own account which will take only a few seconds. Then post something on the Plurk box provided that asks about what you are doing, or how you feel, or anything you want to say and share to other members.

These online messages will then appear on your timeline. A Plurk timeline is a small screen where your posts are visible, arranged in chronological order, and transported to other users who have signed up to receive them. Plurk users can also respond to other member’s updates from their timeline by sending instant messages or text messages.

Plurk has several features that make plurking really full of fun. Plurk qualifiers such as “feels”, “says”, “thinks”, “loves”, and “is/was” are color coded that make it easier to identify different types of plurks according to what the user wish to share. But for those who don’t want to use qualifiers especially for those more expressive users, freestyle plurking is what Plurk offers for you!

In Plurk, you can do anything you want to your social media account. You can add friends and fans as many as you wish. You can even share images, youtube videos and other media on Plurk. All directions on how to do it in its simpliest form is presented on the social networking website.

For online businessmen, joining Plurk and expanding your Plurk network is another effective way of online marketing. But if you find managing and updating all social media sites really time consuming, then it is a lot better to get an online marketing assistant to work for you, giving you the freedom to focus more on other valuable things you want to spend your time to.

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