10 Latest Free blogging Flatform for Your Business Perfect for Service and eCommerce Websites

Blogging is a powerful tool that can offer a range of benefits for businesses of all sizes. Here are some of the top benefits of blogging for business:


  • Increased website traffic – Blogging can drive more traffic to your website by providing valuable content that people want to read and share.
  • Improved search engine rankings – Consistent blogging can improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for people to find your business online.
  • Establishing authority and thought leadership – By regularly publishing high-quality content, you can position your business as a thought leader in your industry, building trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Increased engagement and customer loyalty – Blogging can help you engage with your customers and build relationships with them over time, leading to increased loyalty and retention.
  • Cost-effective marketing – Blogging is a relatively low-cost marketing strategy that can offer significant returns over time.

Overall, blogging can help businesses establish a strong online presence, build relationships with customers, and drive more traffic and revenue over time. By regularly publishing high-quality content, businesses can position themselves as leaders in their industries and stay top-of-mind with their target audience.

As of my knowledge cutoff date in 2021, here are 10 of the latest free blogging platforms:

  1. WordPress.com – This is a popular and versatile blogging platform that offers a range of customization options and a user-friendly interface.
  2. Blogger – This platform is owned by Google and is known for its simplicity and ease of use.
  3. Medium – This is a platform that allows you to write and publish articles on a wide range of topics, and it has a built-in audience.
  4. Tumblr – This microblogging platform is known for its casual and visual approach to blogging.
  5. Ghost – This platform is specifically designed for bloggers and emphasizes simplicity and speed.
  6. Wix – This is a website builder that also offers a blogging platform, with a range of customizable templates and themes.
  7. Weebly – This platform offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and a range of customizable templates.
  8. Squarespace – This platform is known for its beautiful and professional templates, but it does require a paid subscription for full access.
  9. Strikingly – This platform is specifically designed for building simple, one-page websites, but it can also be used for blogging.
  10. Penzu – This is a journaling platform that can also be used for personal blogging.

It’s worth noting that the popularity and features of these platforms can change over time, so it’s always a good idea to do your own research and compare different options before making a decision.