Summer Casual Tank Dress for Women

Happy Wednesday Everyone! Finally, it feels like summer in Wisconsin. My kids are back to being river rats and my husband and I enjoy hearing their laughter as they splash around in the great St Croix river! Speaking of the river, last weekend we were able to enjoy it. The 4th of July was fun and busy. Our family went from a town celebration to the boat, to a movie, back to the boat and watched an amazing fireworks show. Everyone is a little crabby this week after all that fun:) It really was wonderful, however wearing my favorite wedge heels and lots of accessories to the river was out of the question. The easy style of a tank dress came in real handy! Enjoy!

On a side note, I’m obsessed with this necklace. If you follow this blog, you’ve seen it a lot! However, a painter once told me that if you invest in a piece of quality art you never get sick of it. I think the same holds true for quality jewelry.

Ok…onto the tank style maxi and how I wear it and why I love this style:

1. Many different body shapes can rock dresses like this!

2. Wear with a denim vest or jean jacket

3. Wear with a colorful scarf for cooler summer nights

4. Can be worn as a swimsuit cover-up. We sometimes grab a bite to eat after boating and this looks a little classier than shorts.

5. Throw on some wedge heels or colorful sandals with a chunky necklace and it’s date night!

6. Tank dresses don’t require a bra change! That could be the single biggest reason why I love this style dress!

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