Sample link bait letter

Keep in mind that we dont have any link to their website. Suddenly they send an email claiming we have a broken link going to their website.

So i change the html post version and none. It 100% link bait email without real broken link



Hello again,

The link to the Humane Society resource on your page continues to lead to a dead-end.

We understand that the deleted resource from the Humane Society was crucial for your readers. I proposed replacing it with our comprehensive article on keeping dogs cool in summer from the World Animal Foundation’s website. This resource provides the latest and most detailed insights, much like the one previously linked.

You can review the article here:

This adjustment would help maintain the continuity of quality information for your readers.

Could you kindly confirm if you’ve received and considered this suggestion? If there’s any other information you need or any questions you might have, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best Regards,