Literary Essays: Expository Writing vis-à-vis Argumentative Writing

Essay writing

Writing is not a skill that you can develop overtime. You have to undergo a series of practices and drills using every opportunity you are provided with. This will hugely contribute to the quality of written work you can complete for your overall academic performance.

By learning the different kinds of formats you can use for any type of written work, you also help improve your writing skills. This will give you a greater advantage over other students since you have concrete knowledge in choosing what format to exactly use for a specific written assignment.

For literary essays, there are two formats that are widely used based on what you wish to convey: the expository and argumentative formats. Expository writing is used by students who wish to expound on a certain topic with the use of different techniques. These techniques include the compare-and-contrast, step-by-step approach, definitions, cause-and-effect and the use of analogies.

Argumentative writing, on the other hand, is used by students who wish to express their opinions, mostly in a refuting manner, on a particular topic. It also employs the same techniques used in expository writing, with the addition of more facts as evidence to support your stand. In argumentative writing, it is the presentation of facts which is most vital. The presentation of the weakest points must go first before revealing the strongest ones in order for the essay to build up a stronger impact

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