Learning the Fundamentals of a Compare-Contrast Essay

Essay writing

Writing an essay can be a challenge. Aside from choosing a good topic to write about, you also have to choose what format to use.

One of the formats that is widely known is the compare and contrast essay format. To be able to use this, you have to have two ideas or things to write about.

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Compare and contrast essays are mostly used by students because they are simpler to write. In a compare and contrast essay, you present the similarities and differences between two ideas. This is usually appropriate for writing assignments that want you to make parallels between two persons or things.

Provided below is a compare and contrast essay example:

Both Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner are behavioural psychologists. They both believed in the Stimulus-Response theory and they both contributed to the concept of Conditioning. Ivan Pavlov, however, introduced classical conditioning, which states that both stimuli can produce the same response if the two stimuli are always associated together. B.F. Skinner, on the other hand, believed in operant conditioning, which empahises that a response, which a stimulus creates, will largely depend on the reward or punishment associated with the stimulus.

There are several online sites that can teach you more on how to write a compare and contrast essay. This is where you can find other compare and contrast essay examples as references for your work. We must also remember not to copy and paste any work that is not originally ours.

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